Can I Sell A Home That Needs Repairs in Memphis?

My Home Needs A lot of Repairs…Can I Still Sell?

We get this question a lot from sellers! Selling a home that needs repairs can be a long, time-consuming process. There is a good chance that the home won’t even sell in its current condition. The problem is that selling a home that needs repairs makes it hard for buyers to be interested, as they know the work they will have to put into it.

By this point, you are probably asking yourself a few questions. Will my home even sell? Am I going to have to make the repairs myself to sell it? How much will this cost? We will go over the process and help answer some of your questions. Homes that are ugly can be a huge burden, but making repairs may not be necessary to sell your home. Here are some suggestions on how to sell a home that needs repairs. 

Determine the Value of Your Home

Since your home needs some TLC, determine if making the repairs or renovations is something worth doing. Potential buyers will overestimate the amount of money they will need to put into a home to fix it up. So keep in mind that buyers will only be willing to pay so much for their efforts. If your home needs a lot of work, it may be hard to incentivize a buyer to move into a home that is not already in move-in ready condition.

When it comes to selling your home without making repairs, these are your options:

Sell by Owner 

Selling your home by owner is the route everyone wants to take. After all, you will get the most money in the end, right? The answer is NO! Unfortunately, even selling on your own will cost you a lot of money and time. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of selling by owner. 

  • Avoid realtor fees 
  • Don’t have to deal with the realtor’s timeframe
  • Sell your home as is
  • Owner financing
  • Lengthy process  
  • Limited listing resources
  • You will end up fixing it anyway if it doesn’t sell
Sell to Us as Is

These are the cold hard facts that you probably don’t want to hear. Fortunately for you, there is a solution that is not only going to help you get your house sold, but the process is insanely quick! buyerhouse is here to help you. 

There are dozens of benefits of selling to us. Here are just some of them.

  • Sell as is – no repairs needed because we buy houses in all conditions
  • We pay cash
  • There’s no long closing process, and we are guaranteed to follow through
  • No realtor fees
  • Short process
  • Free offer
  • Cash in your hands immediately

Give buyerhouse a call today at (901) 459-3007. We will answer any questions you may have. We are here to help you feel comfortable with your decision in this process. It can be draining trying to find the proper funds to repair and fix up your home in Memphis that you want to sell. Don’t stress. We are here for you and will take your ugly home off of your hands fast!

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